I need help editing and writing the end of my literature review of my thesis. I am currently working on my thesis where I investigate the difference between returns of public companies acquiring other public companies compared to private companies.
I need help editing my already written part of the literature review and need help with writing the last part of my literature review which should focus on the long term hypothesis. This hypothesis should cover what according to current literature the results of my study should be. so this part of the litterature review should be about one page in length and should highlight the final hypothesis that should state one of the following
Hypothesis: Public acquirers acuiqring private companies will outperform public companies acquiring public companies in the long run.
Hypotheses: Public acquirers acuiqring private companies do not outperform public companies acquiring public companies in the long run.
I have already written the hypothesis for the short run so you would only write the part of the long run and help edit my part already written. I need it fast so please respond if you are free right now.