How to Structure a Rhetorical Précis (in APA format)
Sentence 1: Include genre, “Title of work”, (publication year parentheses), name of author; a
rhetorically accurate verb (such as “claims,” “argues,” “asserts,” “suggests”); and a THAT clause
containing the major assertion or thesis statement in the work.
Sentence 2: An explanation of how the author develops and supports the thesis, usually in
chronological order (Does the author use stats? summarize data? use personal experience? etc.).
Sentence 3: A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an “in order to” phrase.
(The author’s purpose is to_____, “in order to” _____).
Sentence 4: A description of the intended audience and /or the relationship the author establishes
with the audience (who is the intended audience, and what is your assessment of the intended
audience based on?