Performance Task
Read the scenario below. Complete the performance task by following the directions, making sure to address
all bulleted items.
Choose and research one heat engine that converts heat into mechanical energy to do work from the list below.
Your task is to create an 8 slide PowerPoint describing your chosen heat engine and how it works.
Beam Engine
Steam Engine
Stirling Engine
Gasoline Engine
Diesel Engine
Rotary Engine
Your PowerPoint should include:
Slide 1: A title page with the title of your presentation and your name.
Slide 2: A brief description of the heat engine. What is it? How is it used? Include a picture as an
Slide 3: How does this heat engine convert heat to mechanical energy to do work? Include a diagram
or picture in your explanation.
Slide 4: Discuss the efficiency of this heat engine. Where does the heat “waste” go? Does it use
Slide 5: Explain the benefits and draw backs of using this type of heat engine with a picture as an
Slide 6: State the first law of thermodynamics. Explain how your device follows this law.
Slide 7: State the second law of thermodynamics. Explain how your device follows this law.
Slide 8: Citations from sources.
The following websites have information that could be useful for your performance task.