1. Technical document’s topic:
Benefits of walking.
2. Introduction:
Walking is a simple yet powerful exercise that offers a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental health. It’s low-impact, accessible to all, and can help improve cardiovascular health, weight management, stress reduction, mood, bone and muscle strength, sleep quality, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Make walking a part of your daily routine and experience the path to better well-being.
3. Part One: Analysis
1.1. Audience (primary and/or secondary):
Primary Audience:
• Purpose: Motivate and encourage new exercisers.
• Focus: Simplicity, accessibility, and positive outcomes.
Secondary Audience:
• Purpose: Educate and inspire regular exercisers.
• Focus: Specific and long-term health benefits.
1.2. Purpose (primary and/or secondary):
This document is intended for reading purposes only, for anyone interested in the field of walking, how it benefits health, its techniques, and various types, as well as to enhance their knowledge in the world of walking.
1.3. User tasks (tasks and subtasks):
The main task this document must address:
– How exercise can improve mental health, such as reducing stress, boosting mood and increasing self-esteem.
Part Two: Design Plans (type/ format of the technical document)
I will design an informational infographic containing the benefits of body walking.
Physical activity and risk of cardiovascular disease by Lee, I.-M., et al. (2017) in Circulation Research
Association of leisure-time physical activity with mortality by cardiovascular disease in 11,000 adults: The Copenhagen City Heart Study by Holme, I., et al. (2013) in European Heart Journal