I’m 9 months pregnant and I’ve been out of class for the past 2-3 weeks due to bed rest. Im getting induced May 3rd and I’ve tried to start on this paper but I really need help getting it done. I can pay, I don’t have much but I can pay. IF THE PAPER COULD BE WRITTEN FOR ME I COULD GO BACK AND PUT IN THE BRACKETED TERMS NEEDED FROM MY ACTUAL TEXT BOOK. I JUST NEED THE RESEARCH PART OF IT DONE.
Important Note on Getting Started
As a note to the class, during the last few semesters there has been at least one student each time in my course who chose not to start his/her research by finding the topic in the book for our course, and therefore making sure he/she understands the proper context for that topic. This means that the same students have instead started by skipping use of the book to learn about his/her topic, and immediately went to websites such as Google or Yahoo and simply did a search based on his/her assigned topic. The problem obviously is that these website search engines give various types of responses, including multiple meanings of the topics searched for. Unfortunately, this means that I have received (although rare) at least one paper each semester completed on the wrong meaning of the topic, because the student did not start with the book to understand what specifically his/her topic actually dealt with.
An example of this is the term “neutralization,” which has one meaning in the Criminology book, but a completely different meaning with respect to national security operations. One meaning is about “not accepting responsibility” and the other is about “eliminating threats.” Rather different meanings and this is why going to the book for correct understanding FIRST is the only appropriate way to avoid getting no credit (meaning a “zero”) for work done on the wrong meaning of your topic.
My point of this note, is to encourage all reading this note to avoid completing a reaction paper on the wrong meaning of your topic. When these rare cases have happened, I of course have not been able to allow the papers to be revised; they should have been started correctly and I must think of fairness to students who follow directions. Finally, I have placed a LOT of material here in this module to help each student so it is up to each student to invest time and energy in reviewing all of what I am providing carefully.
For example to help the class, I am providing actual examples of book chapters, journal articles, and government reports to help the class focus on using appropriate sources and not websites which might talk about these things, but are not the same thing, again, these appropriate types of sources (that is books, journal articles, and government reports) can be found either in a library or online; I do most of my research online and you do not have to pay for it, just dig more to find more. I use “google scholar” (not the regular google) and “findarticles.com” for instance to find PDFs of these appropriate sources; JSTOR is another great source for scholarly material and it is free. Sometimes the search results have some sources that want money; I ignore them and move on to the ones that a free. As a student at UALR you are fortunate to have access to many appropriate searchable databases and I encourage you to use them.
Dr. M
Reaction Paper Assignment
Crime and Behavior – Reaction Paper Assignment
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
This is one of your major assignments for this course (refer to the syllabus if needed), so please make your best effort to make this twenty-five percent (25%) of your course grade count.
All papers will be submitted to SafeAssign by the professor in order to search for the originality of the work provided.
Your paper is due May 4, 2015 no later than 11:55pm (Central Time) via the assignment tool here in BlackBoard. It must be in a commonly-used format (e.g. MS-Word, PDF, or WordPerfect), and not in some other format (e.g. “Google Document” or “RTF”). Do not email your paper to my UALR email account. If I cannot open your paper, then I will send you an email to your ualr email account, so it is important that you are checking that account so you do not miss a possible message. The paper grade maximum it could receive will reduce by one letter grade for each calendar day it is late. So if you submit your paper in a format I cannot open and I contact you about it via email, I do not consider it properly submitted until it is received in a format I have been able to open. Finally, do not post your paper on any discussion board or send it to the class; I will not grade papers sent to the class or posted on a discussion board (even by mistake).
It is strongly suggested that you print-out a copy of this assignment document (and refer to it repeatedly) to help ensure you adhere to the requirements. You must contact me with any questions and if you email me, provide your phone number so I can better address any concern. Do not simply go onto the discussion board to say to other students that you “do not understand” or are “confused;” there is no reason to be if you print the instructions, read them carefully, and contact me to get help early, not later when it is difficult for me to assist. I want every student to do well on this and that is why I have been so meticulous in providing instructions, so if anyone does not carefully read them and reread them if needed, then the student is making it difficult for me to help them. Again, I am easily reachable and many students in the class have done so regularly as needed.
You must create a reaction paper of no less than fifteen pages (meaning the minimum length is 15) which consists of research on your assigned topic and a conclusion (i.e. your reaction) written in third-person. The paper will of course need to be written in APA format (look that up if you are not familiar with it) and MUST provide citation within the entire paper. Your paper must be YOUR words and quotes from other sources will not count toward the page requirement (so there is no need to use them). To be more clear, your paper must provide an organized understanding of your topic, using sentences in your own words, based on what you have learned from research. This means that it is your job as the student to paraphrase what you have found via your research, but still give citation credit to the source from which you learned this information. My presumption in grading the paper, will be that a student must provide a citation (i.e. source used) in order to demonstrate how he/she has this knowledge he/she has written about in his/her reaction paper. Without citation, I will be unclear as to how a student has knowledge of various facts and realities on his/her topic. Again, citation must follow APA formatting, which requires use of parenthetical citation within the narrative portion of the document as you are writing your sentences, AND a full listing of all citations at the end of the document as “works cited.”
Contrary to what you (as a student) might believe, you are not entitled to an opinion within your paper until the conclusion (since you should only have an opinion based on what you found and not your personal beliefs) and again, that conclusion must be in third-person in order to be more scholarly (instead of “…I think… or …I believe…”).
Important Milestones… Class, please note that you will be provided with dates found within upcoming modules that allow you to build your reaction paper in stages. These milestones (listed below) are not required, but highly recommended. You are probably wondering why these milestones are optional rather than graded. The answer is that if I were to grade them and the quality of each was not what they should be, then the student would suffer in terms of their overall reaction paper grade; something I do not want. Therefore, by making each milestone optional, I am helping each student to focus on maximizing the quality of their reaction paper instead of grading potential mistakes on the optional milestones. Additionally, each semester, most students complete these milestones and have a more comfortable and manageable experience completing their reaction paper. Unfortunately, some students do not complete these optional milestones and the quality of their reaction papers suffer. Therefore, it is in the best interest of each student, to complete these milestones. So please take advantage of these milestone opportunities to help your reaction paper:
- Optional Paper Abstract – Due Friday April 18th via the submission tool in this module
- Optional Paper Outline & Works Cited (this will not be your final list of research sources and you should have approximately fifteen scholarly sources by the due date) – Due Monday April 20th before class via the submission tool in this module (I will give each student feedback on their outline and sources during class)
- Optional Draft Paper (no drafts accepted after this date) – Due Wednesday April 29th via the submission tool in this module (I will provide feedback on the 30th to allow students to revise as needed)
- Paper Due (not optional) via the submission tool in this module
Do not submit any document without the following: Student name, professor name, date submitted, your reaction paper topic, course, what the document is (e.g. abstract or outline).
Do not submit any of this material as separate files; it must be one cohesive document, meaning assemble it together (i.e. multiple files will not be dealt with)…
Please take the time to make sure you submit what you are supposed to, where you are supposed to in terms of the submission tools I have created. This helps me keep everyone’s work organized and avoids me thinking a student has not submitted something if I cannot find it.
Table of Source Types
– Scholarly Sources – These are the only types of sources you are to use on your reaction paper:
- Books (including dissertations & theses)
- Journal articles
- Government reports (these are found on government websites as publications)
- Advocacy group reports
– Not Scholarly Sources – Do not use these types of sources:
- wikipedia.com
- newspaper articles
- government websites with mere portions of material
- advocacy websites with mere portions of material
Your assigned specific topic from the book is found below; the topics cannot be changed. Before asking any questions about your topic, please refer to the book first to familiarize yourself with what you must cover. Obviously, you CANNOT rely solely on the book and must bring in outside scholarly sources; the more scholarly sources, the better. Please see the information below to know what I consider scholarly sources and those that do not qualify as such.
I am looking for a well-researched paper with section headers (e.g. “introduction,” “conclusion”) and other needed headers (or sub-headers), so that your work is better organized. Please refer to your two books for this semester and the various journal articles you read this semester to make sure you understand what I mean by the importance of organizing your work correctly.
Remember, you must write your paper in such a manner that covers your topic by applying appropriate key terms/concepts (from either the Criminology book or the Travesty book) within and placing [brackets] around those key terms/concepts. Very Important — I cannot grade a paper without key terms in [brackets]…
You cannot bracket the same term more than once. The paper must be the words of the student and will use APA format. To be sure, all of your citations MUST be such that the original document can be found; this means you cannot simply cite the website and must cite the actual way required by APA.
For instance, if you want to find a source on allegations about Michael Jackson and the investigation into a possible prescription drug connection to his death, you cannot use what the DEA website says about a specific drug or that case; you can however cite a report/publication on that drug or case found on the DEA website; this is a serious difference; you would cite the report/publication, not the website. The UALR Writing Lab has APA guidelines on their website and students must apply APA guidelines. Drafts are encouraged but will not be accepted at the last-minute.
ALL papers will be submitted to SafeAssign via the professor in order to search for the originality of the work provided.
Good luck and I think you should enjoy this assignment. If you have questions, of course, contact me and provide your phone number. I will do the best I can to respond as quickly as possible.
Dr. M 😉
An important note on citation of appropriate types of sources for your reaction paper
Attached Files:- sample encyclopedia entry (615.796 KB)
- another sample journal article (313.455 KB)
- sample journal article (215.813 KB)
- yet another sample journal article (171.089 KB)
- sample government report (455.479 KB)
- sample book chapter (931.466 KB)
Class: Each semester, I have a few students who literally simply create a list for their paper and call it “works cited;” this is not acceptable and formatting citations is easy to do… Please do not lose major points for not doing something simple like appropriate citation. Here are some examples of citations from some of my previous publications to help you:
Example of Journal Article Citation
Lee, Chang-Hun, & David Montague (2012). Effects of senior citizens’ perceptions of criminal justice resource allocation and neighborhood crime prevention activity on their fear of criminal victimization. Korean Journal of Criminology, pp. 333-358.
Example of Book Citation
Stanberry, Artemesia and Montague, David R (2011). Travesty of Justice: The Politics of Crack Cocaine and the Dilemma of the Congressional Black Caucus. Book. Kendall-Hunt Publishing.
Example of Book Chapter Citation
Montague, David R (2010). Book Chapter. “Understanding the past, present, and future of racial profiling in the media”. Race, Crime and the Media. Robert Bing, Editor. McGraw Hill.
Example of Encyclopedia Entry Citation (Do not use generic encyclopedias–only discipline-specific ones like this example)
Montague, David R (2007). “Situational Crime Prevention”. Encyclopedia of Juvenile Violence. Greenwood Press. Laura L. Finley, Editor.
Example of Government Report Citation
Montague, David R.; Golden, James W.; and Ramirez, Edna I (2012). Assessment findings, recommendations, interventions, and evaluation toward the future: Ameliorative focus group research on disproportionate minority contact in the Arkansas counties of Pulaski, Jefferson, and Crittenden.
Crime and Behavior Reaction Paper Rubric
Crime and Behavior Reaction Paper Rubric
This is the rubric I will use to grade your reaction papers and please note that grades reduce for not adhering to all of the following:
- Did the student turn in an absrtact?
- Did he student turn in an outline with works cited so far?
- Did the student turn in (an optional) draft of their paper?
·∙ Proper use of abbreviations (e.g. cannot use “b-f” instead of “before”)
·∙ Title page
·∙ Student name listed on title page
·∙ Title listed on title page
·∙ Course listed on title page
·∙ Instructor listed on title page
·∙ Date due listed on title page
·∙ Pagination (look it up if this not clear)
·∙ Proper citation in APA format (look on the Internet if you do not know what APA format is)
·∙ Introduction header
·∙ Introduction
·∙ Conclusion header
·∙ Conclusion (this is the ONLY place where student opinion is allowed and must still be in third- person-look it up if this not clear)
·∙ Third-person (meaning that INSTEAD of saying “…I believe…,” say “…this researcher believes…”)·∙ Between 22-25 pages in length ·∙ 12-point font
·∙ Double-spaced
·∙ 1-inch margins aroundNumber of appropriate [bracketed] terms–this is the content portion of your paper (if terms are not bracketed, the paper will receive zero percent “0%” for the grade)
If everything else (above is in order) then:
50-60+ key terms properly used = A
40-49 key terms properly used = B
30-39 key terms properly used = C
20-29 key terms properly used = D
0-19 key terms properly used = F
The paper grade will be a combination of the overall content (based on appropriate coverage of topic using terms), any potential formating issues, and the completion of the abstract and outline as required. The paper grade will be measured as a score between “0%” and “100%”.