a) Give an example of climate change or the efforts to combat climate change privileging some groups of people and disadvantaging others. Who gets affected by sea-level rise the most, globally or nationally? Did they contribute to climate change as ...
Q and A – Hire Professor Latest Questions
Watch the video below and discuss the following questions. Why is July 1 a significant day for protesting in Hong Kong? What is the “extradition” that Hong Kongers are protesting against? Explain if this is a continuation of ...
What is the name of the modern gravitation formulated by Albert Einstein?
Watch the video below about the Aboriginal dreamtime (dreaming) of Australia. What is the dreamtime? Is it the same across Aboriginal tribes? What is the importance of the songs? What is the connection of the songs to the Physical Geography ...
Before you post to the discussion, read about the German-speaking cities and regions in Europe in this week’s Learning Material (Lesson) and view the following videos: Rick Steves´ Europe: Berlin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5Ku1YtUKY Rick Steves´ Europe: Vienna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfT7P9Vdq7o&t=37s Rick Steves´ ...
Listen to three indigenous (native) songs from any sub-region of the Pacific Islands. Record at least a 60 second audio file in which you do the following: play 5-10 seconds of the song, explain if listening to the ...
Pick any of 4 of the documentaries listed below to write on. write a full one-page summary (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced of the documentary and discuss how it connects to issues we have discussed in class such ...
“What are mental maps? Describe your daily mental map — whether you go away from home for school, work, or both. If you do not work or go to school outside the home, describe your mental map of any regular outings ...
Write a 3-page paper about “igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.” Cite your sources in APA format. And add the bibliography at the end of your paper on page #3.
Initial Post Instructions Create a personal ethical philosophy and explain from which philosophy or philosophies (it must include at least one of the following: virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or social contract ethics) you created it and why ...