Use of the template is encouraged. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
Use the two required articles to complete the assignment:
Article #1: In the NR351 Announcements, locate the announcement entitled, “IMPORTANT: Assigned Article for Weeks 4 & 6 Assignments.” This is the same article used for the Week 4 Assigned Article Summary assignment. In this announcement, you will find the link to the assigned article from Week 4 (you must be logged into the Chamberlain Library before clicking the link).
Article #2: Locate an article from the Chamberlain Library to answer this question: How does technology help or hinder nursing practice as it relates to the topic in the Week 4 article?
Follow the APA Scholarly Writing Paper template instructions to complete the paper.
Use APA in-text citations and complete references to credit the assigned article and the journal article you found in the Chamberlain Library.
Follow best practices for scholarly writing by using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Do your own work. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.
When complete, save and close the template. Click the “Start Assignment” button at the top of this page to upload your completed assignment.
Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric).
Title Page and Paper Format Using Current APA Style
Appropriate margins and headings.
Use of 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use of double-line spacing.
Title page includes student name, course name, and faculty name.
Introduction & Conclusion
Introduction contains the purpose of the paper.
Length of Introduction must be 50-75 words.
Conclusion contains a concise summary of the paper’s main points and provides a concluding statement.
Length of conclusion must be 75-100 words.
Article #1: Week 4 Assigned Article Summary
Clearly summarize the major ideas within the assigned article.
Length of the Assigned Article Summary must be 175-200 words.
Include one paraphrased area with a citation using the assigned sentence for paraphrasing.
Include one short, direct quotation using the assigned quotation. Cite this quotation.
Article #2: Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice
Locate an article from the Chamberlain Library as outlined in the instructions and template.
Length of the Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice must be 125-150 words.
Clearly state how technology helps or hinders nursing practice as it relates to the topic in article #1.
Include one short, direct quotation from this article. Cite this quotation.
Reference List using Current APA Style
Year & article title
Journal name, volume, and issue numbers
Page numbers, parentheses, double-line spacing, DOI, and hanging indent
In-Text Direct Quotations and Citation for the Assigned Article #1 using Current APA Style
Quotation marks
Author name(s)
Year, page abbreviation, page number
Parentheses & punctuation
In-Text Paraphrased Area and Citation for the Assigned Article #1 using Current APA Style
Content paraphrased appropriately
Author name(s)
Parentheses & punctuation
In-Text Direct Quotation and Citation for Article #2 using Current APA Style
Quotation marks
Author name(s)
Year, page abbreviation, page number
Parentheses & punctuation
Grammar and Organization
Correct grammar and punctuation.
Correct spelling.
Professional wording and complete sentences are used.
Writing is well organized, and main ideas are expressed and linked together.
Appendix with Permalinks
Appendix contains correct permalinks for Articles #1 and #2 APA Scholarly Writing PaperYour Name (without credentials)Chamberlain University College of NursingNR351: Foundational Concepts for the Practicing RNName of InstructorAssignment Due DateDelete all yellow highlighted words throughout this template.Professional Paper (paper title, begins on page 2)(No heading of Introduction) Provide a purpose statement stating that the paper provides a summary of the Week 4 assigned article and addresses how technology helps or hinders future nursing practice as it relates to the topic in the Week 4 assigned article. The introduction should alert the reader to the scope of the paper. The length for this section must be 50-75 words.Assigned Article SummaryWrite a revised version of your Week 4 Assigned Article Summary assignment addressing the major ideas within the article based on feedback from faculty. Appropriate revisions are crucial to maximize success. Include one short direct quotation, with a complete citation, using the assigned sentence for quotation. Include one paraphrased area, with a complete citation, using the assigned sentence for paraphrasing from the Week 4 assignment.There should be no prior knowledge, experience, or your own opinion in this section. All paraphrased ideas and facts (including the assigned sentence for paraphrasing) must originate from and be cited to the assigned article. No information should be included from other sources. See rubric for other criteria.The length for this section must be 175-200 words.Impact of Technology on Nursing PracticeLocate an article from the Chamberlain Library to respond to the following question: How does technology help or hinder nursing practice as it relates to the topic in the Week 4 article? Include one short direct quotation from the article you found with a complete citation. See rubric for other criteria.The length for this section must be 125-150 words.ConclusionWrite a concise summary of the main points of the paper follow