Global Challenges:
In your small groups, you should choose three of the following issues:
a) AI (Artificial intelligence & the 4th industrial revolution)
b) Child Labour
c) Climate Change
d) Debt / Finance
e) Deforestation
f) Diaspora Entrepreneurship
g) Energy Supply / Provision
h) Gender Equality
i) People Trafficking / Modern Day Slavery
j) Poverty / Wealth inequalities
k) Smart Cities
l) Social Justice & the treatment of minorities
m) Terrorism & International Security
n) Urbanisation
o) Water Resource Management
In your presentation, you should:
(i) Explain what the physical and societal impacts of each of the three challenges are from the perspective of India or China (40%)
(ii) explore the inter-linkages between your chosen challenges (20%)
(iii) discuss how they relate to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, identifying potential mitigation strategies, aligned to the SDGs. (25%)