WORD LIMIT: 2000 words plus or minus 10%. This includes headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes. It excludes the Reference List. FONT: 11pt Arial or Times New Roman, LINE SPACING: 1.5 FORMAT: PDF OR WORD. APA 7th edition format for both in-text and end text referencing.
The intent: In 2000 words write a report, on the content and learning from the first 4 weeks of this unit. The references for your report must include the text book and the reading list readings and any other research you conduct. This is a humanities report not a scientific one. See the suggestions below.
Topic: How do Children Learn to Read? Explain using your understanding about theories of teaching and learning.
Key considerations for your report must be :
1. What do key research and major reports indicate is important for teaching reading and what do children need to learn (This is the theories component)
This will include the importance of Oral language and home literacy, it will also include the importance of teaching phonological (phonemic) awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency.
2. For each of these important elements what does the pedagogy (teaching) look like for a diverse group of young children? (This is the teaching component)
So it is suggested that the headings of your report should be around the 3 points above.
Choose readings from the reading list and from the text book which cover these things. Take good notes under each of your headings. Take note for reference purposes where the information comes from. Put all your notes in your own words so you can transfer them straight to the sections of your report