This assignment aims to explore the role of collaborative learning in educational psychology.
Collaborative learning has become an increasingly important part of learning environments.
Corno and Anderman (2016) examine collaborative learning in Chapter 26 of the course
textbook. They discuss the diverse theoretical frameworks that guide the research and design of
collaborative learning, which include the information-processing theory, sociocultural theory,
and regulatory theories. They also examine the study of collaborative learning as it relates to
quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research.
Compose a Word document reflective journal entry comparing and contrasting instructional
methods and collaborative learning research. Topics that can be integrated include technology
support, knowledge building, inquiry-based learning, and different theoretical approaches.
Your reflection should be 500-700 words, not including the required title and references pages.
You must include a minimum of three sources. Acceptable sources include scholarly books,
articles, the course textbook, and the Bible.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Read: Corno & Anderman: Chapter 24
Read: Corno & Anderman: Chapter 26
Read: Corno & Anderman: Chapter 30