illustrate the practical complexity of brute-force search attacks on the password-based encryption;
• to test the students skills of understanding symmetric cryptography primitives in Java or Python programmes;
• to test the students skills in the analysis of the experiments.
2.Estimation of time required for brute-force search attack on the password-based encryption This assignment asks you to estimate the time required for successful brute-force search attack on password-based encryption using JCA in Java or Python alternative. It assumes that you have done Lab 1, Lab 2 and Lab 3.
This work will be formatted as a formal written lab report. If you are unsure how to write a report see ( The report should focus on the findings of each lab session and include:
Discussion on Passwords, Hashes and password storage
Discussion on more than one algorithm that could be used for password-based encryption such as DES, 3DES, AES, SHA
3.How password length influences time taken to encrypt and decrpty under normal circumstances (fixed and known Salt and iteration count)
4.With a range of passwords estimate the time required for successful brute-force search attack, assuming that an attacker knows:
• the predefined plaintext;
• the ciphertext produced;
• the salt;
• the iteration count;
• but no password.
5.Investigate how the time required for the attack depends on the iteration count; and estimate the time required to recover a password with an unknown iteration count.
6.Compare your estimated time with the estimated time returned for the same passwords by online services such as those used in Lab 1 and propose plausible explanation of any observed differences.