You have been provided with a series of pdf files specifying the design details of each
component of the aircraft’s radial engine. 3D models of the parts are required to complete from pdf
technical drawings. Each part must be modelled with fully defined geometry and using appropriate
design intent. Modelled parts will be used in assembly for the next coursework cad assignment.
Submission notes: All part files must be submitted as SolidWorks Part Documents (.SLDPRT) on
School of Engineering and the Environment. Coursework Assessment Brief. Page 3 of 5
Study Space.
(2) Submit the CAD development procedures utilized in drawing each part in details.
(3) Describe how the system working and different types and applications of radial engines in
aerospace applications.
Assembly 3D modelling task
A single SolidWorks Assembly Document (.SLDASM) must also be submitted. Submission of just
the assembly document will not be accepted as referenced part files are required for marking
(1) Create an assembly drawing of the radial engine.
(2) Describe in details the cad modelling procedure used to build the assembly. Support
your answer with figures.
(3) You must provide a report detailing the design skills and processes you have used to model
the assembly the radial engine, and create the technical drawings with dimensions. Suitable
pictures should be included to illustrate your work.
Coursework submitted without the report will not be accepted and receive a mark of 0%.
Uploading assignment: The coursework must be submitted as a single compressed zipped folder
containing the report, parts, and assembly and drawing files. Use your KU number to name your
compressed zipped folder. A link to submit via a study space assignment (not turnitin) will be made
This is a group work project of three students. At the beginning of the report students must
include a table of peer assessment specifying the contribution of each student. An
example can be found in the Assessment Criteria.
Late submission
Work that is judged to be of the required pass standard will be capped at a mark of 40%.
Work submitted beyond the 2 week deadline will receive a mark of 0%.
Students with any queries regarding this assignment should see Dr Pingfei Jiang in room
Uploading assignment: The coursework must be submitted as a single compressed
zipped folder containing the report, parts, and assembly and drawing files. Use your KU
number to name your compressed zipped folder. A link to submit via a CANVAS will be
made available.
▪ Clear articulation of the assessment and identification of specific terms and requirements
▪ Specific submission requirements and the format of the submission report submission
on canvas and parts and assembly files
School of Engineering and the Environment. Coursework Assessment Brief. Page 4 of 5
▪ Word limit/page limit – 25 pages
▪ Referencing and citation requirements
A completed Risk Assessment must be appended to this Assessment Brief for all Assessments
involving laboratory or fieldwork activities
Assessment Criteria
Assessment of your submission will be based on the following weighted assessment criteria as
given below which relate to the specified module and PSRB learning outcomes. Assessment
criteria are reproduced in Canvas in a rubric.
In order to be able to assess your individual contribution you must include a contribution log and
attached it in your report. Each member of the team needs to specify their contribution to the
project and to the report. The log has to be agreed by all team members.
An example contribution log:
Team member Project contribution Report contribution
A Modelling of
component x, y and z
B Assembly Results
C Modelling of
component i, j and k
Discussion and
Specific Criteria (marking scheme) Marks available
Accurately modelled parts with fully defined Parts
All parts made with correct sizes and units -full mark
Detailed engineering cad development procedure of Parts
supported by figures
Describe in details with images step by step how each part
developed in SolidWorks ( each step will include an image and
caption describe what is done in this step)
Describing the principle of operation and applications
Give details about radial engines (which aircrafts used such
engines , how they were developed for large power production,
what are their main shortcomings
Accurately modelled assembly
All assembly made with correct sizes and units -full mark
Describing CAD development procedure of assembly
supported by figures
Describe in details with images step by step how the assembly
developed in Solidworks ( each step will include an image and
caption describe what is done in this step)
Detailed engineering dimensions of assembly with appropriate
use of drawing views and annotations
Add drawing dimensions in organized way and not interrupt the
main assembly lines – the dimensions should show the size of the
full assembly and its parts.
Presentation and organisation of report
The report should be well organized with more details to be written
in describing the creating of models process and with giving
sufficient information radial engines characteristics in part
3(Describing the principle of operation and applications)
Total = 100%
Academic skills support
For help and advice on this assessment please contact the assessment setter/s or the module
leader. For advice on academic writing and referencing please contact the Faculty of Engineering,
Computing and the Environment (ECE) Academic Success Centre (SASC). Trained staff and
students will give you guidance and feedback on assessments. SASC (Student Academic Success
Centre) can be contacted by email: [email protected] and is open every day in PRSB1019
and on Wednesdays in the RV Library.