Looking at the below roles and responsibilities for the branch, RRR the below will give you an idea of what this branch does, so I would like for you to take this information and merged it to the new responsibilities below to convince upper management that RRR branch is capable to manage these new responsibilities. Please write a clear presentation convincing upper management that RRR is right for the new role, also please rewrite the new responsibilities so that they are clear, convincing, and persuasive. I need good argument this must tie into RRR’s Overview Roles and Responsibilities. About a paragraph for each of the 5 new responsibilities and 1 for the role. Also the attached file that stated IAA is part of RRR current responsibilities and should be use when writing the presentation..
• The RRR division oversees ASPR’s management of post obligations.
• Conducts quarterly reviews of all open obligations of the Undelivered Order (UDO) review.
• Ensures that annual UDO reports accurately reflect de-obligation of any funding that is available until expended.
• Ensures ASPR’s status of reimbursements are accurately recorded on the Department of Health and Human Service report regarding the Fund Balance with Treasury.
• Oversees the billing, monitoring and recording of reimbursement of funds. The reimbursable billing process tracks purchases and distributions. RRR uses the Income Collection System for the reimbursable billing process.
• Ensures ASPR adheres to all the requirements for the appropriate legal authority for example, Economy Act, OMB Circular A- 76 and other applicable Circulars.
1. PSC UFMS Projects accounting module.
The PSC UFMS Projects accounting module is an automated process within the Unified Financial Management system which allows users to generate invoices, create a new Federal Reimbursable project using an existing project template. Users are able to view the amount of invoice, net revenue and funding information. The project module helps to ensure consistency between projects and compliance with agency policy. This process is important for the RRR division because going forward, monthly billing and collection will be done through the automated UFMS PSC Projects module, instead of submitting to PSC for manual processing. The project module will assist the RRR division in tracking monthly reimbursable billing and follow-up on bills that are not processed.
2. Department of State (DOS) billing process for State delegates overseas cable service
The DOS billing process for State delegates overseas cable service is in great demand. When delegates travel overseas and incur an expense for cable service, the overseas personnel will communicate with the Department of State and provide the amount of funding for the cable service. A requisition/obligation should be entered into UFMS to reflect the charges for the services rendered overseas. Giving our currently experience with monthly reimbursable billing, the RRR division will be a great fit in handling this task.
There needs to be communication between HHS and the State department regarding cable services provided to ASPR officials, traveling overseas.
First the overseas staff will determine the amount for funding cable and send the request to DOS, then an obligation is created in UFMS. RRR must log into the Shift server monthly and pull the VADR (voucher auditors detail report). The VADR expenditures summary report must be reconciled with the funding request. Monthly a spreadsheet listing the expenditures summary for each foreign post is provided to PSC. PSC will enter each post manually as a clearing invoice.
3. Unemployment compensation billing
Unemployment compensation billing is the process by which contract employees are compensated for their time during unemployment period. The RRR team performed this function in the past and therefore has the knowledge and expertise to take on this role full time. The spreadsheet listing the unemployment compensation charges will be sent by PSC. The RRR division will prepare a PSC-59 form requesting to obligate the unemployment charges, listing the recipient and the fiscal year. The PSC-59 form should also include the following and will be sent to PSC Obligation Control for processing:
• Supplier
• Direct Obligation Category Code
• Object Class Number
• Supplier TAS
• Invoice Number
• The PSC-59 should be sent to PSC Obligation Control.
4. Grant management processing
Grant management process is the process by which we provide federal agencies and grant recipients the tools to manage grant payment requests, and disbursement reporting activities. RRR division currently monitor and track the undelivered orders for the Grants on a quarterly basis and would serv justice to this processing. We would be able to manage grant funding. Track and ensure payment and distribution of federal grants for ASPR. Need knowledge of the Payment Management System (PMS). Once funding memo is received by email, Analyst must go to the funding planning screen of the Grant Solution program and select the account number and fiscal year to determine if the account has been added. If account has been added, select manage fund planning and add grant funding, then go to awards funding memo and in the action field, select funds available. In the comment section, please note the funds available and common account number (CAN).
5. Acquisition Management Services
Acquisition management services (AMS) provides fully integrated acquisition and strategic support to HHS agencies.
The RRR division will benefit from having knowledge of these process for daily task of monitoring the Undelivered orders and managing the reimbursable billing and collection. Below are some of the processing:
• Acquisition Planning
• Solicitation Preparation, Approval and Issuance
• Receipt and Evaluation of Offers/Quotes
• Award Decision and Documentation
• Contract Administration
• Contract Closeout
This is a Role:
The budget formulation process is initiated when agencies plan priorities, develop budgets and legislative programs and submit them to the Department. The Dept. secretary submits budget request to OMB. OMB reviews the submissions, develop President’s budget and submits to Congress. The RRR team oversees and manage the post obligations for ASPR. Therefore, it would benefit the team to gain more insight of the Budget Formulation process. Interest in doing a detail with this division.
Please see attached files for more instructions