- First view the assigned videos related to Google (see links below). There is an additional video below this forum from McGraw Hill on Google – please watch.
- Discussion Question Prompts:
- What is unique about the GOOGLE culture?
- Will GOOGLE be able to sustain this type of culture?
- What might be some aspects of the DARK SIDE of Google?
- Why is GOOGLE training their employees in mindfulness? Is there also a dark side to mindfulness training?
- “BEST PLACE TO WORK FOR” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RSrzgav61Y
- “GOOGLE HISTORY” (from Stanford E-Corner site) http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=1077
- “Google Corporate Culture”
- A Typical Day at Google
- Watch this video on “Googles Dark Side”
- Read this article on the Huffington Post (there is also a short video embedded) “GOOGLE MISSES A LESSON IN WISDOM 101”