The Assignment:
Choose ONE document from the list below and respond to the question on the next
page. This should be the same primary source you chose for PSA 1.
The Primary Source Documents (Choose only ONE):
Topic Primary Source
1 Napoleonic
“An Ordinary Soldier’s Account”
2 Industrial
Friedrich Engels “Industrial Manchester”
3 Industrial
Women Miners in the English Coal Pits
cw: This document has veiled references to sexual harassment/assault
4 19th-Century
Public Health
Florence Nightingale, “Rural Hygiene”
5 Imperialism Excerpts from The Complete Indian Housekeeper (1888)
(PDF on MyHills)
6 C19 AntiSemitism
Mary Antin, “A Little Jewish Girl in the Russian Pale”
Note: If you are choosing Primary 7 or 8, you may hold off until April 17 to finish up
11 on your worksheet, because that week we’ll be covering WWI. If you need more
time to complete your paper, you must contact me for an extension.
7 World War I Naomi Laughnan, “Genteel Women in the Factories”
(PDF on MyHills)
8 World War I Letters from The Christmas Truce
(PDF on MyHills)
Note: You must choose from these options unless you consult with me. I would be
happy to help you find a different primary source more aligned with your interests.
Failure to do so will result in a grade penalty. Do not use outside sources. Use only
the textbook, lectures and the primary source. History classes help practice the skill of
organizing and categorizing large amounts of information.
The Question:
What does the document reveal about life at the time it was written? Aim for two or
three observations and use specific evidence from the document.
The idea behind this assignment is to take a primary source document and put it in its
historical context using the course materials. You’re showing that you can organize all
the information and apply what you’ve learned.