For the purposes of this project, imagine that you work on a team that monitors quality and risk management within the organizaon you selected. Whether you are coming from a nursing
lens or a healthcare administraon lens, your task is to analyze the healthcare quality metrics for the organizaon you selected. Based upon your analysis of the data, you will determine an
opportunity for a healthcare improvement iniave for the organizaon. Then, you will provide a recommendaon so that the organizaon can improve the quality and/or safety of its
healthcare delivery. Finally, describe how you will evaluate the eecveness of your plan.
Your report should contain the following secons:
1. Metric analysis: Analyze the healthcare quality metrics of your chosen healthcare organizaon based on their public data.
A. Interpret the data and metrics related to the eecveness of a healthcare organizaon.
B. Assess the validity and quality of the healthcare quality improvement data that support the need for the improvement opportunity you will include in your report.
C. Derive insights and opportunies from the data.
2. Opportunity for improvement: Determine an opportunity for a healthcare quality improvement iniave for the healthcare organizaon you selected.
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A. Explain how the metrics drive an opportunity for improvement.
B. Determine an evidence-based quality improvement tool for addressing an improvement opportunity.
C. Apply a problem-solving framework or tool to idenfy what could have been done dierently based on the metrics and show and/or describe your applicaon of the tool or
3. Recommendaon: Provide a recommendaon for the organizaon you selected so that the organizaon can improve the quality and/or safety of its healthcare delivery and determine
how to evaluate if your recommendaons were successful.
A. Develop a healthcare quality improvement iniave using a framework, such as plan-do-study-act (PDSA), root cause analysis (RCA), and failure mode eect analysis (FMEA).
B. Determine an evaluaon method for a healthcare quality improvement iniave for 1, 3, 6, and 12 months and describe that method in detail.
C. Determine data-collecon tool(s).
Your project should provide evidence from at least ve scholarly sources.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Healthcare Quality Improvement Iniave and Evaluaon Report
Submit your healthcare quality improvement iniave and evaluaon report as a Word document. Your submission should be approximately 4 to 6 pages with 12-point Times New Roman
font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. You must also include an APA-style tle page. At least ve sources within the past ve years should be cited according to APA style.
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on the project:
Website: Find and Compare Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Other Providers Near You
This website will help you nd and compare homes, hospitals, and other providers near you.
Website: AHRQ
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website will help you nd metrics from healthcare providers. The data visualizaons under the Data tab are also worth exploring. AHRQ also
has toolkits and best/leading pracces that you may want to refer to.