The reflection should be written after you establish a successful virtual team. The reflection should describe the process of 4 main components of virtual management: team building, tools, procedures, and task management. Please use these guidelines on how to do so:
1. Virtual Team: (4 marks- 250 words)
In this section, you need to describe the virtual team.
• Name your team and specify the field you will focus on.
• Who are your team members, and what are their roles?
• What are the personal objectives of each member (why you joined the team)?
• What is the collective goal for your team (how will your team be successful in that field)?
• How the team experienced Bruce Tuckman’s five different stages of team building?
2. Virtual Tool (5 marks- 700 words)
In this section, you describe choosing a tool for your virtual team.
• What are the main and complimentary virtual tools did you use to manage the tasks? (provide pictures)
• Describe the features of these tools that were useful to your teamwork (provide pictures).
• Why did you choose these tools? What are the other options?
• Suppose your budget was SAR 10k; how did you use that budget to get the best possible tool?
• How frequently does the team meet? How long is each meeting? (Provide photos of the team meetings at different times)
• How the meeting minutes helped your team stay focused? (Provide an example of your team meeting minutes).
3. Virtual work dynamics (5 marks- 700 words)
• How did you create a virtual office?
o What are the technical challenges that you faced in your work?
o Give some examples of work ethics/ culture in China.
• How did you utilize vacation time and holiday time?
• What are the challenges that your team faced in communication?
o Specify how space, time, and cultural differences affected the communication process.
• How did you overcome those challenges? (discuss from different roles’ perspectives).
4. Reports and presentations (5.5 marks- 500 words)
• Provide an example of a proposed strategy your team worked on to make the marketing campaign successful for the Chinese company in the chosen field.
• The report should be 300 words describing the status and statistics of the chosen field and how customers (target audience) can be reached.
o The report should have an introduction, a brief strategy, and a conclusion.
• Include graphs and statistics to support your report (use local resources. If they were in Arabic, translate them).
• The Chinese company representative in your team should provide his/her feedback on the report (one or two comments)
• The rest of the team should address those comments.
5. Conclude your reflection (0.5 mark- 100 words)
• Tell us how your teamwork was, what you would do better, and how you will thrive in the future.
Useful links:
• APA reference system
• About plagiarism
• About plagiarism
Guidelines for the assignment: