Compare and analyse the omnichannel employed by two B2B companies operating in the same industry (the com
panies may sell in both B2B and B2C markets, however, this assessment focuses on their B2B business). Select
one company that is facing a challenge of market share or gaining/sustaining competitive advantage, and another
company that has demonstrated superior performance in the B2B business. Utilise information from the companies’
websites, physical store, and relevant secondary sources to address the following questions:
(i) Identify the channels used by each company to serve business customers. For each channel identified, identify
the corresponding touch points for interaction with business customers at different stages of their journey. Display
the touch points through customer journey maps in appendix.
(ii) Display the goals that each company aims to achieve during various stages of the customer journey on the
customer journey maps.
(iii) Compare and contrast the channels and touch point strategies and methods used by the two companies to
interact with and engage their prospects/customers. Provide evidence of all methods, tools, and functionalities in
appendix. Apply relevant theories/concepts to support the analysis.