1. Definition of the problem (5 marks, 400 words)
• Summary and history of client
• Situation for client at outset of problem solving
• Business problem and set of observations/complications around the situation
• Objective (in the form of a specific, measurable and actionable problem)
• Any boundaries and constraints of the project, considering the key forces (e.g., values) acting on decision-makers
• Criteria against which successful resolution to the problem can be measured and judged
2. Disaggregation of problem structure and solution drivers (25 marks, 2000 words) • Initial logic tree (i.e., three layer factor/lever/component tree)
• Fully-referenced commentary of logic tree
• A more complete logic tree (i.e., four-layer deductive logic, hypothesis or hybrid of the two) of
a. Solution drivers
b. Hypothesised solutions
• Fully-referenced commentary of logic tree
3. Prioritisation of solution pathways (10 marks, 800 words)
• Full 2×2 prioritisation matrix
• Fully-referenced commentary of the prioritisation matrix, concluding with a summary of the solution pathways (e.g., hypothesised solutions) that will be taken forward to be tested via analyses
4. Workplan (10 marks, 800 words) • Full workplan for testing hypothesised solutions with:
• Solution pathway
• Research question(s)
• Hypothesised answer(s) to each research question
• Data used
• Data collection/access method
• Data analysis techniques used
5. Analysis and findings (30 marks, 2,400 words)
• ‘One day solution’ on the basis of the understanding that summarises the situation that prevails at the start of the project, the complication (i.e., what changed or what went wrong) and the current understanding of a resolution
• Summary of insights required to reach a solution to justify the forthcoming analysis
• Analysis for each research question undertaken and the findings
6. Synthesised conclusions (20 marks, 1,600 words)
• Overall picture of individual findings and insights of the problem-solving work with:
• Pyramid structure to present conclusions (i.e., governing thought) as an engaging story supported with arguments, findings, insights and facts to convince target audience of the merits of the recommended solution
• Commentary of pyramid structure
Total marks
Areas for Improvements
From First Marker
Knowledge and understanding
Analysis and evaluation
From Second Marker
Knowledge and understanding
Analysis and evaluation
Agreed Marks
First Marker’s marks/date:
Second Marker’s marks/date:
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