Refer to the textbook Laasch, O. (2024), Principles of Business & Management: Practicing Ethics,Responsibility, Sustainability, SAGE Publications Ltd., and write on any the following topics.
1. Responsible Management, Sustainability, and Ethics.
2. Sustainable Management.
3. Digitization and Sustainable Management.
4. Importance of Innovation in Sustainable Management.
5. Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
1. Work individually.
2. Make the topic more specific.
3. Write a research paper (6000-9000 words).
4. Use at least 15 good academic references. Follow a proper referencing style, i.e.,
5. See recommended flow of sections in Appendix 1, as a guideline.
6. Submit in an A4 paper in a typewritten form (Word format).
7. Submit a turnit in report with less than 15% similarity.
8. A good paper will have the opportunity to score high and get published later.
Distributed on: 13th October 2024.
Deadline: (First) 24th November 2024, (Final) 7
th December 2024
(Students to send it to me on email [email protected] for feedback
before the final deadline. The final version to be uploaded in the Moodle for
All the best,
Appendix 1: Flow of Sections
Research Paper:
The following topics are usually included in the research paper:
Abstract: (200-250 words)
• Purpose of the paper
• Design/methodology/approach
• Findings
• Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
• Practical implications (if applicable)
• Social implications (if applicable)
• What is original/value of paper
Introduction: (1000 words)
• Broad introduction to research topic and method.
• Research problem.
• Need for the research. Who will benefit? Contributions.
• Define main terms.
• Context. Add further information to clarify the research problem.
Literature Review: (5000 words)
• Overview. Theoretical foundations.
• Literature. Group articles by ideas.
• Model if applicable.
• Hypotheses/propositions if applicable.
• Scope of the study.
Conclusion: (1000 words)
• Summary of entire paper in a few pages.
• Implications (theory & practice).
• Study limitations.
APA/Harvard Style.
Appendices. Questionnaire and data if applicable.