For the discussion:
Make an original post for each question below.
Answer each question in a separate post.
Each of your posts must contain at least 3 sentences and thoughtfully cover the intended question/s.
Respond to two other student posts. Your responses must contain at least 3 sentences and thoughtfully respond to the ideas presented.
Listen to the Celine Dion version of the Titanic theme song below. If you are unfamiliar with the movie, the Celine Dion version has clips from the movie.
Now listen to this cover version and compare the differences.
Discuss the major differences in the two versions.
List at least three differences (instruments, style, performers, etc.)
What is the difference between the styles of the original singer and the cover singer?
Discuss how changing the style/genre of this piece has affected the meaning of the song.
How would the movie have changed if the cover was the theme song?
For the Essay:
What is Melody:
Write a 500-word essay on “What is Melody” using the video( below and the two textbook excerpts as sources(attached below). Your essay should help your reader understand just what makes a great melody. I have included 3 questions that your essay should discuss. Do not include the questions word for word in your essay. You should write an introduction and concluding paragraph along with at least one paragraph per question. Use the video as your main source and the other two sources for supporting/clarifying information. Make sure to include all source material below in your bibliography/works cited page.
Minimum of 500 words. (Your header and bibliography/work cited page do not count for your word total.)
12 pt. Font (Times New Roman or something similar)
Make sure to include a header with your name, class information, and date.
Include a bibliography/works cited page for all of your sources at the end of the essay.
The bibliography does not count towards your word requirement
If you use a direct quote make sure to include quotation marks.
No more than 20% of your essay can be a direct quote.
I will be using the Turnitin option that measures the percent of plagiarized/similar material you have used. Any assignment with a Turnitin score greater than 20% will result in a zero.
The assignment will be graded using the rubric below.
Questions – Answer each in a separate paragraph.
What are the characteristics of a great melody?
Discuss why melody is the “meat and potatoes” of music.
What techniques do composers use to make melodies memorable?