HSE 480 (APA FORMAT): 100 words minimum
#1. Comment on the video… US Troops in Gaza. Does this policy make sense for America to once again get involved in the Middle East?
#2. Discuss the Twin Pillar Policy of old and how it changed as the landscape in the Middle East changed. Should the US have gone to war with Iraq War following the terror attacks on 9/11?
Reading preparation:
Chapter 13, 14, & 15
Lesch, D. W. & Haas, M. L. (2018). The Middle East and the United States, history, politics, and ideologies (6th ed.). Routledge.
2. https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-iraq/
3. https://www.odni.gov/files/documents/Iraq_NIE_Excerpts_2003.pdf
ENG 102 (MLA FORMAT): 150 words minimum
Begin this week’s discussion by choosing one of the assigned poems that most resonated with you. In your main post, provide the title of the poem you’ve chosen; then, after reviewing the Online Learning Resource “How to Analyze a Poem,” write a brief summary; in no more than three sentences, identify the basic content/situation of the poem. Next, identify and discuss at least two specific elements of the poem that stood out for you, and why: for example, its speaker, setting, tone, imagery, word choice, rhythm, etc. Finally, explain why your chosen poem resonated with you on a personal level, and tie its meaning to a personal observation or experience.
Reading: Attached (How to Analyze a Poem)
Poetry Chosen: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48985/phenomenal-woman
Your main response should be at least 150 words.
Discussion forum participation will be graded using the following criteria:
4 points 5 points
Engagement / Interaction N/A – no points are available for this criterion engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with two or more peers
Participation N/A – no points are available for this criterion participated on two or more days
Content / Topic Relevance discussion forum contributions very often addressed the main topic discussion forum contributions always addressed the main topic
Timeliness N/A – no points are available for this criterion responded to main topic the day of the first post due date
Content / Topic Knowledge displays a very good understanding of the material displays an excellent understanding of the material
Civil Discourse Forum participation will be graded using the following criteria:
2 points 4 points
Timeliness N/A – no points are available for this criterion Main response posted on or before stated first-post deadline
Engagement N/A- no points are available for this criterion 2 or more days of substantive participation during active course week
Interaction N/A- no points are available for this criterion Two or more substantive replies to peers (in addition to main response)
Content Main response content is substantive, but fails to specifically or correctly address some aspect of content instructions Main response content is substantive, relevant, organized, and meets or exceeds 150 words in length
Mechanics, Tone, and Style Posts contain minor or infrequent errors in tone, grammar/mechanics, or MLA-style documentation Posts are written in a polite, professional tone and are essentially free of errors in grammar/mechanics; any necessary documentation is proficient in MLA style