Substance abuse is defined as the uncontrolled use of illegal drugs, prescribed drugs, or alcohol in a manner that interferes with an individual’s daily life. According to the World Health Organization, it is the harmful use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. Substance abuse is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use and has negative consequences on individuals, families, and society. Besides the obvious detrimental health effects on the individual, it also entails significant financial costs not only for the addict but also for the immediate family and the community. Substance abuse is further associated with an increased burden of chronic disease, mental disorders, and early mortality. It has been a noxious public health concern throughout history because of its large impact on physical and psychological health, social relationships, economic stability, and overall quality of life.
It has been described as a chronic relapsing disease by researchers because of the high rate of relapse, which is between 56.8% and 81.8% (Lo et al., 2020). Due to the nature of recurrence and increasing cases of substance abuse problems around the world, there has been an emerging need to create public awareness about the danger of substance abuse and eventually recovery. Public awareness focuses on prevention, which in turn stresses assisting individuals with drug abuse problems to achieve full abstinence and prevent relapse. According to data provided by the WHO, millions of people worldwide are afflicted with drug use disorders (Volkow & Blanco, 2023). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2020, an estimated 21 million people aged 12 and older needed substance use treatment, with only about 2.5 million receiving treatment at a specialized facility. This huge discrepancy further pegs the need for increased public awareness and provision of treatment and recovery resources for people struggling with substance abuse.
Background on the agency and the population served
The agency putting this into practice is keen on using an all-rounded approach that would improve recovery for people with substance abuse problems and promote their quality of life and well-being in general.
Its core mission shall be to provide health and wellness through education, prevention, and access to quality care. The services shall include one-on-one and group counseling sessions that would enable the clients to understand the root of their addiction, strategize ways of coping, and have support systems.
It provides various forms of treatment modalities: outpatient programs, resources for inpatient rehabilitation, detoxification, and medication-assisted treatment, among others. Aftercare services include continuous care through aftercare programs, peer support groups, and community outreach to prevent recidivism and ensure long-term recovery. It also engages in public awareness through campaigns, educational workshops, and community events aimed at informing the masses about the dangers of substance abuse and the benefits of recovery.
Target Population The targeted population primarily consists of persons 12 years and above who have been abusing substances. The target group is very diverse and will include men/women of all different socio-economic statuses. Most clients will be referred from under-served communities that lack the necessary health and support services. The population the Rise and Recovery project will serve is identical to the current population that struggles with addiction issues. It will focus on individuals from high-risk groups: young adults, people with co-occurring mental health disorders, and those from economically disadvantaged communities. Their support systems made up of family, friends, and caregivers who may be required to support themselves to support their loved ones will also be a target of the Rise and Recover Project. Members will also benefit through increased awareness and education on substance abuse, its detrimental effects, and the importance of contributing to recovery processes.
Project Overview
Rise and Recover is a significant occasion for trying to raise public awareness of the calamity of substance dependency and what they should do to kick the habit and stay clear of the disastrous repercussions that result from it. It is meant for education, resources, and support for people with substance dependence and their families. There will also be interesting activities, which are meaningful to the beneficiaries and redefine their understanding of a particular subject. Some events will entail a mailing of invitations with acclaimed keynote speakers in the arena of addiction recovery along with psychological and public health backgrounds to enlighten the congregation.
It will also be supplemented by interactive workshops that will teach more about recovery and other methods, and coping mechanisms that may be useful in eradicating the vice among others. Real-life accounts from people who have survived through the recovery process will also be presented to pass on hope in people’s lives and create speed in people.
Measurable Goals/Objectives
1. Increase Awareness
The aim is to attract as many people as possible but ideally, half a thousand people to educate them about the dangers of taking substances and the need to rebuild one’s life. This goal will be evaluated by identifying the number of attendees by assessing registration and sign-in sheets.
2. Provide Resources
This would aim to ensure that at least 80% of those who attend the meeting leave with informational brochures and resources about the services, measured by the number of brochures and resource packets distributed at the event.
3. Community engagement
This is to facilitate at least three interactive workshops and panel discussions in which participants can engage and obtain practical recovery strategies. This goal will be evaluated by the registration, attendance rate, and active engagements in the organized workshops and panel discussions.
4. Support Network
The objective would be to reach out to a minimum of 50 people at self-referral treatment facilities and support organizations. This will be evaluated using sign-in sheets and questionnaires to monitor relationships between conference participants and local service providers.
Timeline for the project