2. 1-Hydropic degeneration:(1 Point)
A. Accumulation of fat inside the cells
B. Occurs in the wall of arterioles in benign hypertension
C. Accumulation of sodium and water inside the cells
D. Occurs in the wall of arterioles in malignant hypertension
2. Hyaline change: (1 Point) 3. A. Accumulation of fat inside the cells B. Descriptive term for glassy, eosinophilic material in H & E- sections C. Occurs in the wall of arterioles in malignant hypertension D. Produced by mucoid carcinoma of large intestine 10/30/22, 2:29 AM Pathology Quiz https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TQaOLC1Yh0aJP_u2xZg4C1juaTZJz8ZEobDEFHreZQBUQjhIVzJKMDlEUkE4RkY4Wk… 2/3 4. Coagulative necrosis is characterized by:(1 Point) A. Preserved cellular outlines and loss of cellular details B. Cystic space containing necrotic cell debris and macrophages C. Loss of both cellular outlines and cellular details D. Brightly eosinophilic deposition usually in the vessel wall 5. 4. Which is true about dry gangrene:(1 Point) A. Common in large intestine B. It occurs due to venous obstruction C. Profound toxemia is present D. Line of demarcation is present 6. 5. All of the following causes fatty change of liver except:(1 Point) A. Hyperlipidemia B. Starvation C. Malignant hypertension D. Alcoholism 7. 6.Alzheimer’s disease is an example of:(1 Point) A. caseous necrosis B. metaplasia C. mucoid change D. pathological apoptosis