For this assignment, you are required to submit an Annotated Bibliography in which you:
Provide an Overview. State and briefly describe, in a few sentences, the public policy issue you intend to explore in this assignment.
• Identify at least ten sources that are relevant to a public policy issue that you may be interested in researching for your dissertation. Note: these sources can be used for your Literature Assessment assignment in Module 7: Week 7, so be thoughtful in selecting them.
o State and briefly describe, in a few sentences, the public policy issue you intend to explore in this assignment.
o Note that these sources can be used for your Research Paper: Literature Assessment Assignment, so be thoughtful in selecting them.
o Create an entry for each source in RefWorks, or your chosen citation manager.
• Annotate each source with a summary of at least 50 words. (If you use RefWorks, write your annotation for each source in the “Abstract” field of your record for that source.)
• What do you know about the authors? Credibility? Objectivity? Agenda? What do you know about the journal or source?
o Each annotation should state the central thesis of the source being cited.
o Each annotation should explain how the source’s author(s) support their thesis. —very important: what research methods did they use?
o Do you trust their findings
o Each annotation should evaluate the relevance or applicability of the source to your research interest. Is the article and findings of value to your research?
Produce an Annotated Bibliography document according to current APA format. (See the Liberty University Writing Center for a sample Annotated Bibliography – a link to this is included in the Resources section in this assignment’s prompt.)
o Ensure that you have a properly formatted Title Page with your name, the course name, the instructor name, and the date of your document.
o Ensure that your citations are properly formatted and alphabetized.
o Ensure that your full annotation of each source is included beneath the source’s citation.
Check out the Grading Rubric for additional insights. It will be assessing:
• Selection of sources (50 points)
• Substance of each annotation (50 points)
• Length of annotation (50 points)
• Grammar and style (25 points)
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.