3.5 Task 5: Launching a Man-In-The-Middle Attack
In this task, we will show how PKI can defeat Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks. Figure 1 depicts how
MITM attacks work. Assume Alice wants to visit example.com via the HTTPS protocol. She needs to get
the public key from the example.com server; Alice will generate a secret, and encrypt the secret using the
server’s public key, and send it to the server. If an attacker can intercept the communication between Alice
and the server, the attacker can replace the server’s public key with its own public key. Therefore, Alice’s
secret is actually encrypted with the attacker’s public key, so the attacker will be able to read the secret. The
attacker can forward the secret to the server using the server’s public key. The secret is used to encrypt the
communication between Alice and server, so the attacker can decrypt the encrypted communication.
The goal of this task is to help students understand how PKI can defeat such MITM attacks. In the task,
we will emulate an MITM attack, and see how exactly PKI can defeat it. We will select a target website
first. In this document, we use http://www.example.com as the target website, but in the task, to make it more
meaningful, students should pick a popular website, such as a banking site and social network site.
Step 1: Setting up the malicious website. In Task 4, we have already set up an HTTPS website. We
will use the same Apache server to impersonate http://www.example.com (or the site chosen by students).
To achieve that, we will follow the instruction in Task 4 to add a VirtualHost entry to Apache’s SSL
configuration file: the ServerName should be http://www.example.com, but the rest of the configuration can be the same as that used in Task 4. Obviously, in the real world, you won’t be able to get a valid certificate
for http://www.example.com, so we will use the same certificate that we used for our own server.
Our goal is the following: when a user tries to visit http://www.example.com, we are going to get the user
to land in our server, which hosts a fake website for http://www.example.com. If this were a social network
website, The fake site can display a login page similar to the one in the target website. If users cannot
tell the difference, they may type their account credentials in the fake webpage, essentially disclosing the
credentials to the attacker.
Step 2: Becoming the man in the middle There are several ways to get the user’s HTTPS request to land
in our web server. One way is to attack the routing, so the user’s HTTPS request is routed to our web server.
Another way is to attack DNS, so when the victim’s machine tries to find out the IP address of the target web
server, it gets the IP address of our web server. In this task, we simulate the attack-DNS approach. Instead of
launching an actual DNS cache poisoning attack, we simply modify the victim’s machine’s /etc/hosts
file to emulate the result of a DNS cache positing attack by mapping the hostname http://www.example.com to
our malicious web server. http://www.example.com
Step 3: Browse the target website. With everything set up, now visit the target real website, and see what
your browser would say. Please explain what you have observed.3.6 Task 6: Launching a Man-In-The-Middle Attack with a Compromised CA
In this task, we assume that the root CA created in Task 1 is compromised by an attacker, and its private key
is stolen. Therefore, the attacker can generate any arbitrary certificate using this CA’s private key. In this
task, we will see the consequence of such a compromise.
Please design an experiment to show that the attacker can successfully launch MITM attacks on any
HTTPS website. You can use the same setting created in Task 5, but this time, you need to demonstrate that
the MITM attack is successful, i.e., the browser will not raise any suspicion when the victim tries to visit a
website but land in the MITM attacker’s fake website.