For this final project you are going to choose one of the topics provided (or make up your own, just have it cleared with Professor C) and make a presentation covering this issue in corrections. You can make your presentation in Power Point with voiceover, make a podcast, or make a video. Whatever you think will best get your research across.
**Because this is an online course there must be some audio component to your project so I can hear you discuss your topic, so if you make a power point, please make sure you include audio in your slides.
There is no “minimum” requirement per-se, I care more about the QUALITY of your content than the QUANTITY, but I should see that you spent time on the presentation and your topic is well researched and thought out. You should have AT LEAST 5 sources, of which 3 are scholarly sources. Using well researched sources, discussing your topic in depth (history (literature review), what works/doesn’t, future outlook, your opinion on the topic, etc.). Also, including pictures, and being creative are good ways to secure a good grade.