This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):
CJ490M3-3: Evaluate the principles and standards for conducting valid, reliable, and ethical research.
Stanford Prison Experiment
A classic study in criminal justice is the Stanford Prison Experiment. This week you will conduct research on this classic study and submit your work as a PowerPoint presentation.
Create a 12- 14-slide PowerPoint presentation analyzing the Stanford Prison Experiment. Address the following research components pertaining to this landmark experiment.
Title slide. [1 slide]
Introduction slide (introduce the main points that will be covered in the presentation). [1 slide]
Provide a brief review of the study. [1–2 slides]
What was the purpose of the study (exploratory, descriiptive, explanatory, evaluative, or a combination)? Justify your reasoning. [1 slide]
Describe the sampling strategy (probability or nonprobability), sampling technique, and resulting sample. [1 slide]
Describe the research design (true classic design, quasi-experimental design, or non-experimental design). Justify your reasoning [1 slide]
List four ethical principles or standards and discuss whether researchers were compliant with these principles. [1-2 slides]
Evaluate the validity (accuracy of the findings) of this experiment. Justify your reasoning. [1 slide]
Evaluate the reliability (consistency of the findings) of this experiment. Justify your reasoning. [1 slide]
Analyze whether the results can be generalized to another situation or population. Justify your reasoning. [1 slide]
Conclusion slide (summarize some of the main points covered in this presentation). [1 slide]
Reference slide. [1 slide]
Use at least three credible sources and the textbook to support your presentation of 12–14 slides. Use comprehensive speaker notes to help support the information presented on the slides. (Do not duplicate the information.) Use in-text citations throughout the presentation, either on the slides or in the speaker notes.
The key to a successful presentation is to ensure that it:
Addresses all of the information requested. (See bullet points above.)
Is creative in that it utilizes template, color, hyperlinks, pictures, and streaming video in support of your major premises.
Is completed in PowerPoint. (Other formats will be scored a zero.)
Utilizes APA style on the reference slide.
Does not include large music files.
Demonstrates evidence of outside research.
Is free of spelling and other grammatical errors.