There are three options for the final. Pick the one that speaks the most to you. You may reuse writing from your journal or your own discussion board posts, in fact I highly recommend it!
All papers should be typed in 12pt font, Times New Roman, double space and 1-inch margins.
Due dates:
1. Final proposal: consists of your idea(s), possible outside sources, possible in class sources, any questions to me. You can also submit a partial first draft with your proposal if you so wish! Upload as document or write in the textbox on Canvas. Due October 20, 10 points
a. I will give comments on your proposal. The more you write and have done, the more I can help answer any questions or concerns you may have and provide more feedback.
2. First draft and peer review: consists of at least 50% of your paper (including introduction and at least one body paragraph, as well as some works cited page), as well as any questions you have for your peer reviewer.
a. You will submit your first draft and the peer review you wrote for your partner. First draft to Canvas and peer review partner due December 8. Peer review comments due December 11. 10 points
3. Final draft: Complete draft with all elements. Due December 16, 20 points
a. Optional: If you would like me to look at a draft before then, please set up a day between April 25 and May 3 to send it to me. Just email me 😊
Final proposal: Traditional essay: Your topic, your thesis/argument, the historical writing from Unit 1 you are connecting to; 2-3 other sources; outline; any questions for me.
Community translation: Short discussion (3-5 sentences) on your choice of social media and why; your topic; a rough draft of your ‘translation’; a description on how you connect
Creative option: Your idea and the reading you are taking as inspiration; an outline of what you want your creative option to look like; a short excerpt (a few lines of poetry, a rough sketch, etc)
Option 1: Traditional essay: Explore a contemporary issue women of color face/feminists of color talk about. Connect with historical writings by feminists of color (unit 1). You can opt to discuss an issue we did not cover, or you may go more in depth on a topic that we did.
Your paper can either look at one specific group of women of color, or you may do a comparison across groups and histories. The latter option is more complex but may be more rewarding to discuss!
• Examples:
o Experiences of trans women of color in the justice system through the lens of intersectionality.
o Gen Z women of color organizing for labor rights
o Influencers of color and racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic trolling
• Requirements:
o 4-6 pages
o 2-3 outside materials like articles, essays, statistics, etc
o 3-4 in class materials like lectures, essays, readings, etc
o Works Cited Page in MLA or APA
o Apply an intersectional lens, explain how it applies to your topic
o How does it connect to the history we learned?
Option 2: Community translation: Explain one of the topics of the class for a non-college audience. The community translation project is where we take a big academic idea, and we make it easy for the community to access that information. Think everyday people on social media or on the streets of Fresno, or maybe your family members.
For this option you should have a social media post (TikTok, Instagram, Twitter) and a 2-3 page justification/explanation of your topic, why you chose it, and how you ‘translated it’: why did you use the language you did, how did you reframe it, etc.
• Requirements:
o 1 social media post with use of captions, images or video, and hashtags attached as an image file or in your essay at the end (doesn’t count towards page count)
o 2-3 page explanation/justification
o 2-3 example social media posts from other feminists of color
o 2-3 in class materials such as lectures, essays, chapters, videos, etc
o Works cited page in MLA or APA or Chicago
o What specifically are you hoping to demystify about this topic from your project
o Apply an intersectional lens, explain how it applies to your topic
o What are some common misconceptions about this topic
o Quotes should be used in the paper. For the social media post, be cautious about overly wordy pictures or captions.
Option 3: Creative Option. For this option you will make some form of artwork or creative writing involving a topic or issue discussed in this class.
Because every person’s creative option may look different, this part is light on guidelines and requirements. I highly recommend that you set up a time to meet me in office hours to discuss your idea.
• Examples:
o See any of the creative nonfiction writing (memoirs, first person essays) assigned in class
o Creating poems about being the eldest child of immigrants
o Creating a painting about the masks you wear
o A short story about an environmental issue in Madera County
• Requirements:
o 1-2 page write up where you explain your idea and make connections to the class
o 2-3 outside materials (essays, articles, sources of inspiration, etc)
o Use of 3-4 in class materials such as lectures, essays, chapters, etc
o Creative project is equivalent to 4-6 page paper (Email me to discuss if you’re unsure)
o Works cited page in MLA or APA or Chicago