In weeks 2-7 of this course, we will examine one current issue each week. The first week involves brainstorming what those topics will be. And while brainstorming is, theoretically, supposed to be free form, the nature of the course requires that there be some constraints:
- The topics you propose should be current issues. In other words, they should not be recurring issues or ones that could have just as easily been discussed ten years ago. For example, “conflict in the workplace” would not be an appropriate topic because there has been conflicted in the workplace for eons. But something like “leading a Christian university in an increasingly hostile societal environment” could be.
- The issues you propose should be related to management or leadership in the workplace. So, while “entire versus progressive sanctification” could make for an interesting discussion, it is not an issue related to management or leadership in the workplace, at least not for most people.
- The issues you propose should have some literature available on them. Because these are recent issues, the availability of peer-reviewed journal (PRJ) articles may be limited, but there should be some high-quality literature available. Please do a search – preferably using the library databases – to ensure that some good literature is available on each topic you propose.
- The issues you propose should potentially be of interest to your colleagues; you will be voting on which of the submitted topics become the weekly topics for weeks 2-7.
Your assignment is to submit a list of six topics for consideration by the class. Each topic should have a name and a brief (no more than 50 words) description.