You may not use any work from previous Workshops for this one!
Submit your .aep and .mp4 file packaged with your deliverables. Include all preproduction and planning documents in submission.
General Requirements
• Your creation must have some sort of logical theme or unity between assets.
o Submission includes .aep file.
o At least one .ai file present.
o At least one .psd file present.
• You must include any assets you’ve used and any planning documentation you created in your packaged deliverables.
Planning Documentation Requirements
• Sketches, brainstorms, idea lists, etc.
• An organized digital creative brief that includes possible applications/uses for your creation.
• A storyboard containing at least four frames with at least two “beats.” (Intro, beat one, beat two, outro.)
Animation Requirements
• You must have at least two moving elements in your creation.
o This element or asset must transform at least three times, in at least three different ways.
• You must have at least two transitions or effects in your creation.
• You must incorporate a blend mode, mask, or track matte.
• Movements must pay attention to the principles of animation.
• Entire animation must be a minimum of three seconds.
Submission Requirements
• Exported in .mp4 format with H.264 codec.
• Minimum three seconds in length.
• Deliverables include:
o subfolder with preproduction documentation
o .aep file
o .mp4 file
o subfolder with any assets used or created
o .zipped folder named uploaded to here!
TIP: If you use your phone to photograph your sketches, pay attention to lighting and focus. Make sure it is readable!
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
Earn points in this category by completing the required steps of the Workshop. 10 pts
Full Marks 7 pts
Almost There 4 pts
Not Quite 0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign
How was the task completed? Was there clearly careful thought paid, and decisions made?
Points in this section are awarded based on craftsmanship, concepts, and application. 10 pts
Full Marks 7 pts
Almost There 4 pts
Not Quite 0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmission
Deliverables submitted correctly. 5 pts
Full Marks 0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
Total Points: 25