Assessment Instructions
You need to complete 3 tasks provided below:
Creating a report outline
Selecting and analysing sources
These tasks are designed to help you develop a suitable outline for your written project (i.e. a written report structure) and on finding, analysing, and paraphrasing academic sources for your report.
For this assessment you should make use of relevant activities that you have completed in your module in:
Theme 2: Developing a Project Focus: Chapter 5 ‘Developing a Focus’ and Chapter 3 ‘Sourcing information for your project’ Tasks 1-4
Theme 3: Searching for Sources: Chapter 3 ‘Sourcing information for your project’ Tasks 8-9
Theme 4: Reading & Note-taking: Chapter 3 ‘Sourcing information for your project’ Tasks 5-6, Chapter 4 ‘Developing your project’ Task 4, Chapter 3 ‘Sourcing information for your project’ Task 10-13
Theme 7 and 8: Using Sources: Chapter 2 ‘Using evidence to support your ideas’ Tasks 1-5, Chapter 2 ‘Using evidence to support your ideas’ Tasks 6-9
Please note:
This is an individual assessment so you should not work with any other student.
Please ensure you follow the template provided for each of the tasks below.
Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:
Themes 2 – 8 of the module
Referencing style:
All referencing in this task should be Harvard style. APA is the preferred format but your teacher may offer alternatives.
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
Produce a proposal for an extended project, including aims, scope and a plan of work
Find, select and use appropriate and reliable sources to inform research and accurately observe referencing conventions
In addition, the following academic literacies are assessed:
Use and acknowledge appropriate sources using accepted citation and referencing conventions
Use skills such as note taking, research and accurate referencing to enable effective participation in academic tasks.
Use linguistic skills and strategies to enable effective completion of work and to present findings clearly
Use cohesive devices and discourse markers orally and in writing to convey ideas and arguments clearly.
Submission Requirements:
You must print the completed tasks 1, 2 and 3 below, and add a cover page with the following paragraph included:
I confirm that this assignment is my own work.
Where I have referred to academic sources, I have provided in-text citations and included the sources in the final reference list.
You must submit the assessment electronically via the VLE module page. Please ensure you submit it via Turnitin.
Your submission title must be:
E.g.: ‘P102648-M27-Ben Windle’.
Assessments submitted after the submission deadline may incur penalties or may not be accepted.
How to avoid academic misconduct
You should follow academic conventions and regulations when completing your assessed work. If there is evidence that you have done any of the following, whether intentionally or not, you risk getting a zero mark:
Plagiarism & poor scholarship
stealing ideas or work from another person (experts or students)
using quotations from sources without paraphrasing and using citations
working together with someone else on an individual assessment, e.g., your work is corrected, rephrased or added to by another (both parties would be guilty)
Buying or commissioning work
submitting work as your own that someone else produced (whether you paid for it or not)
copying the work of another student
using resources or aids that are not permitted for the assessment
submitting work, e.g., laboratory work, which is partly or completely made up. This includes claiming that work was done by yourself alone when it was actually done by a group
claiming to be another student and taking an assessment instead of them (both parties guilty)
Additional submission information – check you have done the following:
Consistent font, spacing, page numbers, formatting and subheadings
Correct format and location throughout the report
Harvard referencing system used correctly in the reference list
Summarising the results of research
Paraphrasing the contents of research findings
Spell check
Spell check the report
Proof-reading completed
Grammarly has been used to check the report (optional)
How will this assessment be marked?
You will receive a mark for each of the following criteria:
Content & Structure – (Task 1) (40%):
Is the number of and content of your sections realistic for the scope of this project?
Is your overall structure clear and logical?
Are your ideas clearly linked to your overall project aim and project thesis?
Source Analysis – (Task 2) (30%):
Have you found four appropriate, relevant sources?
Have you provided accurate references for these sources?
Have you outlined how three of your sources may be useful to your project?
Have you demonstrated in-depth analysis and engagement with one source (e.g. quality notetaking, detailed explanation of link to project aim/thesis, evaluation of source reliability)?
Paraphrasing – (Task 3) (20%):
Have you retained the meaning of the original text?
Is the language that you’ve used sufficiently different to the original? (e.g. have you used synonyms, altered the grammar, changed the order of ideas?)
Is your use of language accurate?
Academic Integrity (10%):
Have you accurately represented ideas taken from sources?
Have you included an accurate citation with each paraphrase?
Are all quotes correctly marked?
Do you have a full list of matching references which are correctly formatted?
Are all facts/data presented genuine, accurate and precise?
How will you get feedback?
Your tutor will mark the assessment and provide you with feedback. You can use this feedback to guide your further learning on the module.
Scroll down to the task parts 1-3
F300 Extended Project Summative Task: Report Outline and Source Analysis
Part 1: Creating a report outline
In Formative Task 1, you chose a project topic and key research questions which you want to address in your Extended Project. This task will help you with the organisation of your written report. Think about the main goals and aims of your project before you begin to structure your report:
1. What is the working title of your extended project?
To what degree has religious faith/teaching affected the architectural designs of the Roman and Umayyad periods
2. What is the overall aim/purpose of your extended project?
My extended project aims to investigate how religious faith and teachings influenced architectural designs during the Roman and Umayyad periods, comparing Christian and Islamic styles. By analyzing iconography, motifs, and construction techniques, I aim to uncover the cultural, religious, and technological factors shaping these historic architectural traditions.
3. At this stage, what is your thesis statement (opinion/argument/viewpoint) likely to be? (What is the answer to the overall question you are trying to answer?)
My thesis statement will argue that religious teachings and faith significantly shaped the architectural innovations of the Roman and Umayyad periods, with each culture integrating its spiritual values into design elements. Roman architecture emphasized monumental symbolism and Christian iconography, while the Umayyads reinterpreted Roman influences through Islamic principles, creating distinct styles that reflected their unique religious and cultural priorities.
Now, outline how you will break your report into sections in the table below. Clearly outline the objectives and questions that should be answered within each of them, how the information presented in each section relates to the research topic of your project and what sources you currently have for each section.
You can add extra rows in the table below to suit your own report outline.
What questions are you trying to answer in this section?
How does this section help to answer your overall research question?
What sources do you currently have for this section? You need to provide evidence of at least 4 sources with an accurate in-text citation e.g. (Smith, 2021).
What is the significance of studying the influence of religious teachings on architectural designs in the Roman and Umayyad periods?
Introduces the topic, establishes the importance of the research, and outlines the aim and objectives of the project.
(Salimi et al., 2016)
2.1. 1st sub-section
How did iconography, motifs, and spatial symbolism differ in Roman and Umayyad religious structures?
Examines visual and symbolic elements in architecture, linking them to the religious teachings and cultural priorities of each period.
(Vannessa, 2022)
2.2. 2nd sub-section
Which architectural elements (domes, columns, arches) were adapted in Umayyad structures, and how did they reflect Islamic religious values?
Examines the transformation and adaptation of Roman architectural features in Umayyad designs, providing insight into cultural exchange and religious influences.
(Yassin & Utaberta, 2012)
2.3. 3rd sub-section
How did construction techniques and materials reflect the religious and technological priorities of Roman and Umayyad societies?
Analyses the technological and material aspects of architecture, highlighting how religious values influenced practical design choices.
(Al-Adilee, 2024)
3. Conclusion
What are the key findings about the influence of religious faith on Roman and Umayyad architectural styles?
Summarizes the research findings, highlights key insights, and reflects on the broader implications for understanding cultural and religious influences on design.
5. Reference List
A final reference list provides a list of full references of all the sources that I’ve used in my report.