The data and fields file will be provided by your lecturer at the commencement of the class. The data relates to nutrition of breakfast cereal. Suppose that you are an Analytics team for a sport and dieting company. You have been given data on the nutritional components (e.g. sugar, fat, protein…) of common breakfast cereals and a rating. You wish to determine which cereals are best for diabetics and those on special diets
Data Checking: Upload the data into Excel for an initial check. The file is a csv (txt) file. Check for missing data and errors.
a. State the number of data records you have in the sample
b. You may notice some negative values which can be modified using an approximate based on a similar product and state your changes
c. Provide any assumptions, changes and issues presented in the data that may impact your analysis
d. Sort the ratings from largest to smallest to get an idea of general customer approval of the cereals and state the cereal with the highest and lowest approval rating
e. Save the file as an Excel file for uploading into Power BI or Tableau.