- For any given vertical (or horizontal) stretch or shrink, is there a corresponding horizontal (or vertical) stretch or shrink which gives rise to the identical graph transformations? Explain your reasoning.
There will be a corresponding horizontal/vertical stretch/shrink because changing one will change the position of the curve based on the input entered.
- Describe a process (step-by-step) in your daily life in which the order of events is important. What would happen if you switched the order?
My work day technically starts at 7A.M. but I have to change clothes after I get there, but before I can start my day. I tend to show up at least a full hour before my shift starts so that I can go over any issues the other crew had, and get a feel for how things ran. After my shift starts I immediately have to take samples and make a round. During my round I check any equipment that is running, and anything that is coming up that day. If I were to change the order that I did my first thirty minutes of my shift there is a chance that a piece of equipment could fail. If I did my round before I took my samples, the lab would not be able to get our numbers back on time, and then I wouldn’t know what changes to make to be able to keep our equipment on quality, which could lead to a loss of tons of money for the company.
- Describe a process (step-by-step) in your field of study in which the order of events is important. What would happen if you switched the order?
Troubleshooting any piece of equipment, or designing new equipment, both need to start at the basics. I wouldn’t decide to use a wooden structure for something that is going to be carrying a flame for example. So knowing what order to design the equipment would help streamline the process.