Write an introduction to your GWR Portfolio with a total count of 500 or more words (not including the heading or title) in which you do the following:
A) Reflect on how you have grown as a writer during your time in college;
B) Explain how the two papers you’ve selected for the GWR portfolio demonstrate that writing growth (be specific and point to examples from the papers to accomplish this requirement);
C) Consider how the writing skills you have developed in college will impact success in your career after Cal Poly.
When completing this task, you might consider the following:
What actions you have taken to develop your writing skills in college (e.g., classes, tutoring, other efforts);
What specifically about your writing has changed during your time at the university;
What challenges you overcame or lessons you learned when completing the two papers you’ve selected for the portfolio;
What specific elements of the papers you’ve selected showcase writing skills of which you’re proud;
How you will use writing in your profession and how the writing skills you gained during college have prepared you to succeed in written communication post degree (ie, what writing tasks do you expect to perform in your job, and how did writing in college help train you to succeed in those writing tasks)?
As you consider further how best to complete this prompt, remember that the writing education you have gained at Cal Poly is aligned with the University Learning Objectives (ULOs) listed below:
Think critically and creatively
Communicate effectively
Demonstrate expertise in a scholarly discipline and understand that discipline in relation to the larger world of the arts, sciences, and technology
Work productively as individuals and in groups
Use their knowledge and skills to make a positive contribution to society
Make reasoned decisions based on an understanding of ethics, a respect for diversity, and an awareness of issues related to sustainability
Engage in lifelong learning
Requirements: 500 words or more